Stories, musings, inspirations, and adventures from a mother, storyteller, artist, and forever child.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Always a Great Idea

Art work by Sophie
"Look at my drawing!" Sophie said as she proudly presented the above to me a few days ago. When I asked her to talk about her work, she said "I had a great idea, then I took your hand and Papa's hand. I put them together. Then you got married!" She smiled up at me, mighty pleased with herself, as if saying to me, I was the genius behind you and Papa getting married!

I admit that there is much truth to her thinking. While Pipo and I did not want to get married immediately “just because” we had her, she had so much –and everything - to do with our eventual choice. I remember looking at her and thinking to myself, What a wondrous, amazing, beautiful creature she is.  If I had somehow managed to make such a wondrous, amazing, beautiful creature with Pipo, who knows what else would be possible for us to build together through our love? In my mind's eye, I saw a family with more incredible (and hopelessly energetic and kulit) babies, our very own "castles in the sky," and a life full of dreams that do come true, to bring joy to us and to all those we love.

I loved him, and because of him, I had Sophie. And with him and Sophie and our love, we could have so much more. The possibilities were – and are limitless.

The Great Idea. Photo by Sandra Dans

I will keep her drawing close by and look at it often. It will serve as a reminder that no matter what I’m feeling, no matter how difficult the challenge we are facing, no matter how annoying he can get, and no matter how annoying I know I can certainly get, our marriage always has been and always will be a good idea.

The lovely little genius thinks so, and I will never for a second doubt her wisdom.

Thank you, Sophie.

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