Stories, musings, inspirations, and adventures from a mother, storyteller, artist, and forever child.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Wedding and a Proposal

I'm Yours. A photo from our wedding by Sandra Dans

Pipo and I just came from the lovely wedding of one of his good friends from college. Part of the program was a video sharing the story of Johann's proposal, which interspersed clips of the couple narrating their experience with actual footage of the fateful day. His proposal was grandiose, beautiful, and funny - with him renting a sky lounge, staging a musical, and proposing in between songs. I loved the part where Johann shared that even before he had popped the question, his then-girlfriend Tin had already figured out his plan and was openly crying beside him. At that time, he was gripping the ring in his fist. He was so nervous that he mistakenly opened his hand, thereby revealing the ring to her. Tin said yes, even before he could ask his question.

But he still wanted to ask her. He then professed his love and his intent to be her protector, her provider, her lover, and her husband, got down on one knee, and asked her to marry him. Within a nanosecond, she said yes again. And so their happily ever after began.

Their story made me think back to my own marriage proposal. It was without frills and fanfare, without dramatic timing or grand sweeping gestures, but full of a quiet sweetness and humor that I would not trade for any other moment or proposal in the world.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

I'm Back!

Hello! I'm back! 

Joyful (via Lizi)

I have missed coming to this sweet little space to reflect and write very, very dearly. I am happy to report that I am very much alive and kicking after having gone through a difficult week wherein both my heart and my body were, well, pretty much broken. 

It started with a struggle with self-doubt, wherein a chance encounter made me question myself and certain decisions I had made. My spirits sagging, my body then succumbed to a terrible flu (complete with chills, a sore throat, aches all over – the works). Feeling sad, sick, and very, very small, I hid under the covers, and found solace in popping vitamin C tablets and watching chick flicks. (Monte Carlo was one of them, a story I’ll tell you about later.)

But come the second half of the week, my situation greatly reversed, with doors opening unexpectedly, the Lord answering prayers even before I had the chance to utter them, and more blessings falling into my hands than I ever could have imagined. Faced with such hope and blessing, my heart and body had no other thing to do but heal.

It is good to be back.

And it is good to be grateful. And so I want to give my heartfelt thanks to the following for seeing me through this week:

  • Numero Uno: God’s faithfulness and love;
  • A husband who gives super good massages and adjusted his schedule so that he could bring me to my appointments for the week;
  • A little girl who sings to me and makes paper flower bouquets to cheer me up, and does little chores around the house to help make things easier; 
  • Wonderful children who remind me that what I do is a privilege, and that I am so blessed to be perpetually surrounded by their talent, their laughter, and their light;
  • Partners, colleagues, and friends who make the load easier and,
  • The ability of the heart and body to heal and start anew.
I'm back.

There are so many stories I wish to tell. And yes, I will be coming to this space several times this week to tell them :-)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pink Friday on Pinterest: Nicki Minaj Inspired Style

Scored free tickets to Nicki Minaj's Pink Friday concert yesterday, thanks to the wonderful sister of one of my best gal pals. While I am not exactly a fan of Nicki, I had a blast during the concert. I will write more about my experience during the show in a future post; in the meantime, I will share some of my Pinterest picks inspired by the feisty singer-rapper's love for pink and playful fashion. While my picks are not as far-out, fierce, and zany as her usual fashion choices, these picks show pink love mixed with the fun, flirty, and girly, which I think is the true spirit behind Nicki Minaj music and style :-)

Glitter Heels via Amanda
Pink Faced via G. Scarleth A.B
Pink Wig via Annah W.

Fun Tulle Dress via Kaidie
Purple Halston Boots via Jill

Eyelash Jewelry via Candice

Pink and Black Nail Art via Vixen Nails

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

More Sophie Says

There are conversations that I have had with Sophie that either amuse or astound me. Here are two conversations that I've shared with her over the past few days:

Conversation One: On Girly-Girlishness
Scenario: I am dressing up for an event. 

Sophie: (Eyeing me critically) Mom, change your clothes.
Me: (Puzzled) Why, what's wrong with it?
Sophie: Just change your clothes, Mom!
Me: (Defensive) But I like what I'm wearing!
Sophie: It's not complicated enough, Mom. I want you to be fancy. (She chooses a dress for me to wear.) Wear this.
Me: (Resigned) Fine. (I change into her suggested outfit.)
Sophie: (Clapping her hands, her eyes lighting up) That's so much better, Mom! I want you to always look fancy.

Monday, July 9, 2012

My 2012 Bucket List

Perhaps not this 2012, but someday soon.

Alas, where has the first half of 2012 gone? It flew by too, too quickly.I was reading through my good friend Phoenixfire's Life Lists (her very own bucket list) on her blog and was inspired to do the same. As I am all for making the 525,600 minutes (in this case the more or less remaining 262,800 minutes) count and for measuring life in lo-ooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeee (belt it out with me!), I am drafting a bucket list zeroing in on the last few months of 2012. Perhaps by having a specific deadline and by declaring it to a virtual universe, I shall feel compelled to hustle to turn some long-put off plans into reality. So (drumroll please as I take a deep breath),  here goes:

Before 2012 ends, I will --

1. Cut, color, and curl my hair. - Some friends of mine will attest to the fact that I have been talking about this for years and years. Yes, literally years and YEARS.  And so friends, be very very proud, for I am finally taking the plunge and changing my look THIS year!

2. Learn to drive. - And once I am able to bring my husband to work for the very first time, I will make a huge, huge fuss about it. I will brown bag his lunch, make a "Have a great day at work!' banner, bring confetti, party poppers, and squeeze tears out of my eyes as I wave goodbye. I will make an equally huge fuss when I pick him up.

3. Use my zumba gift certificate. - I bought it last May, so it's been sitting (perhaps forlornly so) in my bag for two whole months. It's valid till September, so off to the gym I must go! (If I'm able to do this, I shall move on to poi or arnis or both after.)

4. Prepare a sweet, intimate, magical princess birthday bash for Sophie's 7th birthday this August.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Always a Great Idea

Art work by Sophie
"Look at my drawing!" Sophie said as she proudly presented the above to me a few days ago. When I asked her to talk about her work, she said "I had a great idea, then I took your hand and Papa's hand. I put them together. Then you got married!" She smiled up at me, mighty pleased with herself, as if saying to me, I was the genius behind you and Papa getting married!

I admit that there is much truth to her thinking. While Pipo and I did not want to get married immediately “just because” we had her, she had so much –and everything - to do with our eventual choice. I remember looking at her and thinking to myself, What a wondrous, amazing, beautiful creature she is.  If I had somehow managed to make such a wondrous, amazing, beautiful creature with Pipo, who knows what else would be possible for us to build together through our love? In my mind's eye, I saw a family with more incredible (and hopelessly energetic and kulit) babies, our very own "castles in the sky," and a life full of dreams that do come true, to bring joy to us and to all those we love.

I loved him, and because of him, I had Sophie. And with him and Sophie and our love, we could have so much more. The possibilities were – and are limitless.

The Great Idea. Photo by Sandra Dans

I will keep her drawing close by and look at it often. It will serve as a reminder that no matter what I’m feeling, no matter how difficult the challenge we are facing, no matter how annoying he can get, and no matter how annoying I know I can certainly get, our marriage always has been and always will be a good idea.

The lovely little genius thinks so, and I will never for a second doubt her wisdom.

Thank you, Sophie.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Beautiful Rain: July Inspirations from Pinterest

Cool soothing walks, soft leather boots, dances in the rain, steaming cups of coffee and good books, and hiding under sweet blue umbrellas make up my inspirations for the month. Have a lovely blue July, everyone :-) 

Walking in the Rain (via Nalan)
Learning to Dance (via Shir Lee)

Dancing Girl (via Sandrine)

Soft Leather Boots (via Galaxie)
Coffee and Composition Books (via Louise)
Blue Umbrella (via Amy)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Walking in the Rain

I fell in love with the rain when I was fifteen years old. It was during the summer, in one of those days in May when the rain drops in like a long lost visitor to remind you that it still exists, and to let you know that you will see more of it in the weeks to come.

It was also during a time when just a little bit of rain would immediately cause a power outtage in our village. It was thus too dark for me to read or doodle, and as a young, energetic, restless teenager, I had yet to discover the joys of sleeping in the whole day (a rare luxury that I, in my "old age," frequently yearn for but hardly ever get.)

In other words, I was very, very bored.

I had gazed morosely out the window and to my astonishment, saw my two friends Christian and Francis walking up to my front door. Both were soaking wet and smiling. I flew out the door even before they could knock, thanking them for saving me from the endless ocean of my boredom. They invited me to go out for a walk in the rain.