Stories, musings, inspirations, and adventures from a mother, storyteller, artist, and forever child.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

More Sophie Says

There are conversations that I have had with Sophie that either amuse or astound me. Here are two conversations that I've shared with her over the past few days:

Conversation One: On Girly-Girlishness
Scenario: I am dressing up for an event. 

Sophie: (Eyeing me critically) Mom, change your clothes.
Me: (Puzzled) Why, what's wrong with it?
Sophie: Just change your clothes, Mom!
Me: (Defensive) But I like what I'm wearing!
Sophie: It's not complicated enough, Mom. I want you to be fancy. (She chooses a dress for me to wear.) Wear this.
Me: (Resigned) Fine. (I change into her suggested outfit.)
Sophie: (Clapping her hands, her eyes lighting up) That's so much better, Mom! I want you to always look fancy.

Conversation Two: On Anti-Girly-Girlishness
Scenario: We are walking to Jollibee for breakfast.

Sophie: Mom, what's a tomboy?
Me: (Stopping in my tracks) A what?
Sophie: (Loudly) A tomboy!
Me: Now where did you hear that?
Sophie: From one of my friends.
Me: Oh, okay. (I am speechless.)
Sophie: So, what's a tomboy, Mom?
Me: Um, it's a girl who sometimes dresses and acts like a boy.
Sophie: So (name of neighbor) is a tomboy?
Me: Ummm.... (Gee, is there any way to be politically correct about this? Do I start a lecture about the dangers of labeling people?)
Sophie: Coz she said she was a tomboy.
Me: (I exhale.) Oh. Well if she says she's one then...
Sophie: (Interrupting) Mom?
Me: Um, yeah?
Sophie: Can I be a tomboy when I turn 7?
Me: (Shocked) 
Sophie: Why not? (Name of neighbor) is a tomboy. Why can't I be a tomboy?
Me: (Stammering)  just can't be one.
Sophie: (Glumly) Fine.

(Silence. I then start to gather my wits. While I have absolutely nothing against tomboys - I was one for quite a spell-  I know for a fact that my kikay daughter will never be one. It just isn't written in the stars.)

Me: (Gently) Soph, you hate wearing pants and you wear dresses all the time. You say you'll be a mermaid or a fairy when you grow up. And you want both of us to look complicated all the time. Do you really think you'd like being tomboy?

(Sophie is silent. She is thinking deeply.)

Sophie: (slowly) Oh. Maybe not. (Smiles.) Okay, Mom. I changed my mind. I won't be a tomboy na lang.

Whew. Whether our next conversation amuses, astounds, or even horrifies me, one thing's for sure - life with this little girl will never, ever be boring :-)

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